
Let’s Talk About Testing at KubeCon EU

Apr 7, 2023
3 min
Alejandra Thomas
Developer Advocate
The Testkube team is headed to Amsterdam this April 18 - 21 for KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Europe!
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KubeCon is definitely the most awaited and well-known conference for cloud-native professionals. Year after year, it unites engineers and organizations alike and provides a platform for experts to share their knowledge and insights on trends in the Kubernetes space, touching on topics like security, orchestration, and current trends.

So - why don't we hear a lot about testing, too? While testing is a highly important and complex topic, it continues on being consistently overlooked - even at popular events like these. At Testkube, we'd like to change this and start talking about following a testing-first approach at KubeCon this year. 

What is Testkube? Testkube is a Kubernetes-native testing framework for testers and developers. It acts as an executor so you can orchestrate, run, and display tests and test results for your code in a Kubernetes environment. Whether you're new to the K8s ecosystem or a seasoned pro, Testkube lets you focus on testing without having to complicate yourself, your processes, or your pipelines.

Testing at any stage of your development cycle is crucial since it helps identify and prevent issues before we reach production - let’s talk about why it’s important and why we should be talking about it more:

Testing is crucial for the success of our cloud-native applications

Testing allows us to ensure scalability, reliability, security, and cost-effectiveness for our applications. Without proper testing, our cloud-native software would not function properly and could pose threats to our entire systems.

Testing aligns with Kubernetes principles

Testing not only lets us increase the reliability of our apps, but it also helps us to truly harness the full Kubernetes potential and aligns to its principles of having a declarative configuration, being self-healing, scalable, allowing for automation, and being portable. 

By making sure that our software behaves as expected and maintains its desired state throughout its lifecycle, it directly aligns with the Kubernetes ecosystem.

Testing is not talked about enough

Even though testing is an essential part of building reliable and scalable software - there’s not many talks and sessions that focus on it. Just last year, there was only one registered talk on testing, amongst 100, at KubeCon Europe 2022!


At Testkube, we understand that testing can sometimes be overwhelming - but we’re working hard to make it less complex and accessible for everyone. Our goal is to remove the noise from testing pipelines so our DevOps and testing folks have more room to manage their tests and software easily.

Want to hear more? Come join us and our integration partners CircleCI, Gradle, Keptn, and Grafana. You’ll find Bruno, our Product Leader, and Abdallah, our Developer Advocate, at booth SU60 this April 18 - 21st - we’ll have free swag!

Testkube is fully open-source and we're always looking for feedback. Check us out at and feel free to join our Slack to start a conversation with our team.

Find out more about KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Europe by visiting their website.

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Alejandra Thomas
Developer Advocate
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