
Thought Leadership and News

Jul 19, 2024
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A 5-Step Framework for Test Execution

A step-by-step breakdown to chart a course for test execution to scale your testing in line with the evolution of your applications.

May 22, 2024
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Stop Running Tests With Your CI/CD Tool

A look at six specific needs of a successful test-automation strategy and how relying on CI/CD tools can send you into the testing swamp of no return.

Jan 30, 2024
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What Is TestOps? Drawing Parallels to DevOps

Rather than treating testing as a separate phase, TestOps embeds it as a continuous element within the DevOps framework.

Dec 6, 2023
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Top 5 Trends in Cloud Native Software Testing in 2023

The advent of cloud native applications and Kubernetes has further accelerated this evolution, leading to innovative testing frameworks like Testkube.

Sep 14, 2023
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A Microservices Outcome: Testing Boomed - TNS Podcast

Increased adoption of microservices and Kubernetes has led to a boom in testing. Bruno Lopes of Kubeshop discusses this rise in testing and what it means for the developer experience.

Aug 31, 2023
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Conquering Kubernetes Testing Challenges: The Cloud-Native Approach

Hear from Bruno as he discusses common testing challenges in Kubernetes and how to utilize the power of k8s to overcome them.

Aug 1, 2023
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CDEvents Embraces Testing in CD Pipelines

The CDEvents team has recently added Testing Events to the CDEvents specifications under the Testing Events bucket, to simplify the automation of testing processes from code through runtime.

Jul 25, 2023
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Simplifying Kubernetes Native Testing with TestKube

Testing cloud native applications is different from normal testing. Learn how to navigate them with Testkube.

Jun 28, 2023
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Using ChatGPT to Create Software Tests

Let's walk through creating a simple unit test and a load test, and how you can run them in Kubernetes using Testkube.

Mar 8, 2023
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Cloud Native Testing Trends for 2023

To overcome cloud challenges, organizations are adopting a testing strategy that incorporates automation and integrates testing into the development process

Jan 18, 2023
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Testkube for your microservices woes

The more services and functions developers create onto the monolith, the more difficult it becomes to untangle. With SoapUI + Testkube, you can tackle this while leveraging your K8s infrastructure.

Jan 11, 2023
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Test Automation Tools Unite!

With Container Executors, you can quickly automate new tests that are not supported by default on Testkube and make them part of your development life cycle.

Jan 4, 2023
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Testkube Moves to the Cloud in Beta Release

An overview of Testkube Cloud highlighting some of its key features and benefits.

Dec 15, 2022
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What to Do When You Don’t Have Time to Test Your Microservices

How to use precious time effectively and focus your efforts when it comes to testing, plus examples of what you should and should not test in a time crunch.

Nov 8, 2022
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Monolith CI/CD Pipelines Killing Quality in Software?

This creates complex challenges for developers trying to push commits with confidence and DevOps teams responsible for fine-tuning their pipelines.

Aug 31, 2022
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Why You Should Start Testing in the Cloud-Native Way

Cloud-native testing tools allow you to deploy tests in your clusters, the executions are super scalable and they are not coupled to any CI/CD framework

Jun 30, 2022
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2 Times Production Integration Testing Has Gone Wrong

If you’re keen to not accidentally see your tests go viral, which is something we all should try to aim for, what can you do to make integration testing a bit easier?

May 10, 2022
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The Cloud-Native Community Needs to Talk About Testing

Why aren’t we, as cloud-native engineers working on global software development teams, talking more about testing?

Apr 13, 2022
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Testkube: a Cloud-Native Testing Framework for K8s

Testkube is a framework that natively integrates test orchestration and execution into Kubernetes and your CI/CD/GitOps pipeline.

Mar 11, 2022
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Top 5 Challenges in Modern Kubernetes Testing

We like to think of Testkube turning your cluster into a modern car. Modern cars run diagnostic tests on themselves to show the driver what’s wrong.

Jan 22, 2022
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Testkube: a New Approach to Cloud-Native Testing

Testkube, an open-source, lightweight testing framework for Kubernetes, takes a somewhat opinionated approach to bring testing into the cloud-native era.