Open Source | Testkube

Testkube Open Source

At its roots, Testkube is an open-source company, founded and led by several open source industry leaders responsible for the founding or growth of such products as SoapUI and Swagger.

Today the Testkube orchestration platform is composed of the control plane and the open-source agents which are deployed to Kubernetes clusters for test execution. The agents can also operate in stand-alone mode and offer significant value through a CLI. You can read about the differences between running the open-source agents standalone, or connecting them to the control plane in this documentation.

The open source agent is in use by over 1,000 companies on a weekly basis running over  20M tests. The top testing tools used with the open source agent alone include K6, Postman, Cypress, Playwright, and custom scripts.

Testkube is a member of...


Testkube is featured on CNCF Landscape and CD Foundation

Both projects provide resource maps for cloud native users, developers, and enterprises to quickly view and understand the overall picture of the cloud native system.