
Testkube 1.15 Release Notes

Oct 26, 2023
3 min
Alejandra Thomas
Developer Advocate
Testkube v1.15 is live! Albeit short, this release greatly increases developer experience through a myriad of minor fixes, introduces improvements to the JMeter executor, and provides better reporting
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Testkube v1.15 is live! Albeit short, this release greatly increases developer experience through a myriad of minor fixes, introduces improvements to the JMeter executor, and further Webhooks support! 

New here? Testkube is a test execution and orchestration framework for Kubernetes that works with any CI/CD system and testing tool you need, empowering teams to deliver on the promise of agile, efficient, and comprehensive testing programs by leveraging all the capabilities of K8s to eliminate CI/CD bottlenecks, perfecting your testing workflow.

Read on to find more about what this new release brings: 

Distributed Load Testing! We extended our JMeter executor 

This version includes a new JMeter executor that allows you to create master-slave pods for JMeter tests, which will permit you to distribute them amongst multiple pods for better scalability.

Read our documentation for more information.

General Fixes

Test Creation

  • Test CRDs have a new Test Description field for better test classification

Artifact Storage

  • You can now access MinIO and get the artifacts for specific tests without having to know the execution ID for each test

Pre-Built Executors

  • Pre-built executors now support the JUnit XML format in test results
  • All pre-built executors now support directories as sources, for which you can now easily provide files to run them
  • You can now define whether to run post-run scripts before or after scraping artifacts


  • You can now store your Templates as CRDs and reference them from specific resources, on top of providing them from helm charts.
  • Testkube now provides access to the Sprig functions library for Templates

Test Triggers

  • Test Triggers now support additional actions to process events. These are to be run in parallel, replaced, or rejected

Monitoring and reporting

  • We’ve added test labels to Prometheus metrics for better monitoring
  • Test Execution URL is now included in Prometheus metrics
  • You can now use Go templating in the URI and Headers fields, in addition to the Webhook body
  • Slack notifications now include direct links to the Testkube Dashboard for test and test suite executions


  • We’ve implemented the `testoutput.published` event

Give it a go

Why not check it out yourself? Try Testkube at

If you have any questions you can join our Slack community or, if you have any ideas for other useful features, you can create the feature requests at our Github Issues page.

If you’d like more info, or just to come say ‘Hi’ – join our Slack and follow us on Twitter @Testkube_io. You can also email our Product Leader directly at We’re looking forward to hearing from you!

Alejandra Thomas
Developer Advocate
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