
Join us on May 30 at 10 am EST for our webinar introducing Test Insights!

Test Orchestration and Execution Framework

Powered by Kubernetes

Trusted by

Scale your Testing Workflow with Kubernetes

Avoid Complex Scripting

Out-of-the-box integrations with all popular testing tools and CI/CD systems means no custom scripts required to orchestrate your tests from any CI/CD/GitOps pipeline. 

Single Pane of Glass

The central dashboard and control plane lets you configure, orchestrate & schedule your tests, share & analyze test results & artifacts, manage users & permissions, and more.

Tests as CRDs for GitOps-Friendly Testing

Testkube uses Kubernetes-native constructs to store and run your test definitions ensuring compatibility, security, and scalability for all your testing needs. 

Scale Tests in Your Cluster

Advanced test orchestration functionality enables you to parameterize and parallelize your load, API, and UI tests to simulate real-life usage scenarios. 

Works with your
Existing Tests

... and Your Current CI/CD/GitOps Solution

How it's done

Store tests from any testing tool as CRDs

Executor Framework runs any testing tool as CRDs for more efficient workflows.

Establish Quality Control Plane for centralized results and artifacts

Centralized test management & version control allows testing teams to easily share changes & trigger tests from a single source of truth.

Runs in your K8s cluster

A Kubernetes-native architecture enables Testkube to leverage K8s to make your testing workflow more scalable and secure.


For DevOps

Consistent, script-less framework to run tests
Schedule tests from anywhere
Support any version of any testing tool with any version of your application
Integrates with Argo & Flux for GitOps

For Testers

Easily retrieve test results and artifacts for efficient debugging when tests fail
Capture test metrics to understand test efficiency and performance
Manage tests across multiple environments from a single pane of glass
Easily create test suites for complex test orchestration in a GUI interface
Trigger tests outside of the CI process

We are really excited about testkube. We barely scratched the surface with it and so far it's looking extremely promising. I can't wait to try it out on a larger scale.

Kubeshop CTO Ole Lensmar

I want to see this project succeed because it is a much needed field to be honest.

Kubeshop CTO Ole Lensmar

Perfect! When i have the repo i will write here, thank you very much for the support! I really like this project!

Kubeshop CTO Ole Lensmar

Awesome work, I can confirm that the exact same script and POST command work now where they didn't before. Thank you, that was super quick.

Kubeshop CTO Ole Lensmar
Aiden Price

Shout out to the Testkube folks! First off, they try to solve an important problem: how to e2e test applications running in a cluster the Cloud-Native way. But also, their GitHub README is BS-free! It explains the Whys and Hows concisely and hell-concretely!

Kubeshop CTO Ole Lensmar
Ivan Velicho

Testkube saved us about 4 months of development time by automating our tests in our staging clusters.

Kubeshop CTO Ole Lensmar
Ili Shmidt
User Meeting

Join Us

May 30, 2024

Testkube Webinar: Improve Your Team's Testing Strategy with Test Insights

Test Insights is a new feature from Testkube tailored to empower DevOps, testers, and QA managers. Test Insights provides visibility into your tests including:
* Which tests take the longest to execute, and why?
* Which tests have the highest failure rates?
* How do test performance metrics vary by type of test or by the tools used?
* How do key test execution metrics change over time?

Join us to see Test Insights in action and learn how to get started with Testkube yourself!

Presented by:
Kubeshop CTO Ole Lensmar
Bruno Lopes
Product Leader
Product Manager Bruno
Product Manager Bruno
Product Manager Bruno

Testkube is a member of


Testkube is featured on CNCF Landscape and CD Foundation

Both projects provide resource maps for cloud native users, developers, and enterprises to quickly view and understand the overall picture of the cloud native system.