
The Future of Testkube with Test Workflows

May 14, 2024
10 mins
Bruno Lopes
Product Leader
Testkube is transitioning to Test Workflows as the primary method for running tests, deprecating pre-built and container executors.
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Test Workflows are an easy and powerful way to define and run any type of automated tests with Testkube at scale - with multi-step support, parallelisation and parameterisation baked in from the start (read more).Since the introduction of Test Workflows, the Testkube team has been evaluating the best ways to streamline and optimize the testing process for our users. Today, we are announcing an important evolution in our approach to defining and running tests with Testkube.

The Challenge: Multiple ways to run Tests

Testkube currently supports three methods for running tests:

  • Pre-built Executors: These are created with Go code and Docker images and come as the default executors in Testkube. However, they are difficult to change and maintain.
  • Container Executors: A flexible alternative that allows users to create new executors that adapt to their needs without leveraging the default pre-built Testkube executors. These are not provided out-of-the-box.
  • Test Workflows: An advancement over container executors, Test Workflows offer improved user experience and configurability. They come with ready-to-use templates, making it easy to start testing across various frameworks immediately.

While having multiple options has its benefits, it also complicates the user experience and increases the maintenance burden for our team.

Our Solution: Simplifying the Testing Pathway

To address these challenges and unify our testing framework, we are taking the following steps:

  • Test Workflows front and center: We are shifting our focus entirely to Test Workflows, which provide a superior user experience and greater flexibility.
  • Deprecation of Pre-built and Container Executors: TestWorkflows provides a far more powerful approach to defining how your tests are executed, therefore Executors are no longer needed and will be deprecated.
  • Legacy Support for Tests, Test Suites, and Executors: While these components will still be operational within Testkube, they will no longer receive updates or bug fixes once they are marked as Deprecated. They will be maintained in our documentation for legacy purposes only.
  • Migration Support: We are committed to making sure you have all the necessary tools for a seamless migration to Test Workflows. We will add documentation and tools to facilitate this migration for the users that are currently utilizing the container or pre-built executors.
  • Enhanced UI and Documentation: The Testkube user interface will be updated to reflect this change, focusing users on Test Workflows. The onboarding experience will also guide new users directly to creating Test Workflows instead of traditional tests. Additionally, our documentation will undergo a comprehensive refactor to align with this new direction.

Action Points Moving Forward

  • UI Adjustments: Test/Suites/Executors will be removed from the left navigation bar but they will still remain accessible in the UI for the users who need them.
  • Refocused Onboarding: New users will be introduced to Test Workflows as the primary method for creating and managing tests.
  • Documentation Overhaul: We will update our documentation to prioritize Test Workflows and provide clear guidance on the deprecated features for users who require them.

Making Test Workflows Open Source

As we continue to advance Testkube, a significant update is the shift towards full transparency and community involvement. While Test Workflows are currently available under the Testkube Community License (TCL), we are excited to announce our plans to transition this feature to an MIT license to ensure our OSS users continue to have the best possible test execution experience under Kubernetes. This change underscores our commitment to the open-source community, providing everyone with the freedom to use, modify, and distribute Test Workflows without restrictions. By making the core of Test Workflows open source, we aim to foster a more collaborative environment where developers can contribute to and benefit from our collective advancements in testing technology.

Enhancing Capabilities with Commercial Features for Test Workflows

In addition to simplifying the testing pathway for our open-source users, Test Workflows includes powerful commercial features designed to supercharge your testing capabilities:

  • Parallelizing Steps: Parallelisation allows you both to generate massive load and optimize test execution times by running multiple steps in parallel within a single TestWorkflow, for example when running the same test for different browsers or using a data-driven approach to test execution
  • Orchestration of Test Workflows: Enhance test management by using one TestWorkflow to orchestrate others, enabling complex testing scenarios with ease.

These advanced features are part of our commitment to providing a robust, high-performance solution for testing in Kubernetes environments.

Implementation Timeline

The Tesktube team is dedicated to delivering a seamless and robust integration of Test Workflows into the daily operations of our users. We are pleased to share that Test Workflows are scheduled to become open source and enter General Availability in the middle of June, marking them as the standard for testing in Kubernetes through Testkube. This timeline ensures that we provide a thoroughly tested, stable, and user-friendly update that meets the high standards our users expect. Additionally, we plan to fully deprecate the traditional Test/Executors/Test Suites in early October, nearly 4 months after Test Workflows become generally available. This timeline gives our users ample opportunity to transition to the more advanced and flexible Test Workflows, ensuring a smooth migration before the old executors are retired.

Join Us in This Transition

This evolution marks a significant step forward in simplifying Testing in Kubernetes and ensuring our users can get the most out of Testkube with minimal complexity. We encourage all our users to start exploring Test Workflows and leverage their powerful capabilities for your testing needs.

For detailed guidance on transitioning to Test Workflows and more information on the changes, please visit our documentation . Should you have any questions or need assistance, do not hesitate to reach out to us in Slack or email me at

We appreciate your continued support and feedback as we make these improvements. Together, we are making Kubernetes testing more efficient and user-friendly than ever before.

Bruno Lopes
Product Leader
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