
Testkube articles




May 20, 2024
5 mins

Improve your Testing Strategy with Data-Driven Insights

Testkube introduces Test Insights, empowering DevOps and QA with deep analytics for optimized testing strategies and improved application quality.

May 14, 2024
10 mins

The Future of Testkube with Test Workflows

Testkube is transitioning to Test Workflows as the primary method for running tests, deprecating pre-built and container executors.

Apr 12, 2024
8 mins

Implementing Kubernetes-Native Hardware Testing with Testkube

TestWorkflows in Testkube offer a comprehensive vocabulary for defining complex tests with simplicity and elegance, making it a viable solution for the testing of physical hardware components.

Nov 8, 2023
8 min

GitOps-Powered K8s Testing Machine: ArgoCD + Testkube

Adopt the GitOps development process when creating tests for your cloud native application using Testkube and ArgoCD!

Oct 12, 2023
2 min

Access Cached Test Results with Testkube Pro

Access your test results even when your clusters or agents go through interrupted availability. Testkube now caches test results!

Aug 9, 2023
2 min

Testkube 1.13 Release Notes

Trace-based testing with Tracetest, Microsoft Teams support, and dashboard improvements!

Jul 13, 2023
6 min

Trace-based testing in Kubernetes with Testkube and Tracetest

What's trace-based testing? Let's take a look at how we can use this practice to bring out the true power of Kubernetes with Tracetest and Testkube!

Jul 7, 2023
3 min

Find Deprecated APIs in Your Kubernetes Apps

Learn how to stay on top of deprecated API versions in your Kubernetes environment with kubent and Testkube.

Jun 23, 2023
2 min

Testkube Monthly Newsletter: June 2023

New month, new Testkube release. We added a new executor and attended several events - here's what we did this June!

Jun 21, 2023
10 min

Java Testing in Kubernetes With Gradle and Testkube

Learn how to integrate REST Assured tests into your Kubernetes workflow using Gradle and Testkube.

Jun 9, 2023

Security Testing in Kubernetes with OWASP ZAP and Testkube

Ensure the security of your Kubernetes deployments with Testkube's newest integration, OWASP ZAP.

May 22, 2023
8 min

Testing in Kubernetes With a Unified Approach

Testing tools are usually not designed with Kubernetes in mind. Learn how to tackle the unique challenges of testing your cloud-native applications with a unified testing approach using Testkube.

Apr 6, 2023
4 min

Microservices Testing Outside CI/CD

Testing in CI/CD pipelines is challenging for Kubernetes environments due to lack of native support of testing tools. Read on to learn about solutions for testing your microservices effectively.

Mar 3, 2023
4 min

Testkube Monthly Newsletter: March 2023

March is here! We're happy to share some of the highlights of February and announce what's next for Testkube this month.

Jan 30, 2023
5 min

Logs, Test Trigger Conditions, ARM Arch Support + Scraper Job Templates

Testkube v1.9 is live! This release includes important features like huge improvements to our logs, test trigger conditions, and scraper job templates.

Jan 20, 2023
5 min

JMeter + K8s: How to Run Tests Efficiently With Testkube

With Testkube and JMeter, we can unleash new ways to efficiently run performance tests for our apps in Kubernetes.

Dec 6, 2022
7 min

Getting Started With Testing in Kubernetes Using Testkube

So you've transitioned into Kubernetes, now what? It's easy to overlook testing, especially when in a cloud-native environment. Luckily for us, Testkube is here to help.

Nov 9, 2022
5 min

JMeter integration, Timeouts, Abort, & UI features

Testkube v1.7 is out! This release includes important features, including a long awaited ability to define timeouts for your Tests and abort Test executions, JMeter integration and updates to the UI.

Nov 3, 2022
6 min

Guide for running Java REST Assured tests in K8s

The Java ecosystem is complex on its own - what happens when we mix it with Kubernetes? Learn how to make your transition smooth when running your Java tests with Gradle and Maven using Testkube.

Oct 4, 2022
4 min

Testkube 1.6: Test Triggers and Secret Variables

The latest release of Testkube v1.6 includes performance improvements, Test Triggers, Secret Variables, and much more.

Sep 28, 2022
8 min

Simplify Test Automation with Testkube & K8s

Creating the custom test execution infrastructure from scratch can quickly get very complicated and time consuming. Testkube can make this process both straightforward and quicker.

Sep 12, 2022
9 min

API Testing in Kubernetes with Postman and Testkube

Learn more about how to test APIs in Kubernetes with Postman and Testkube.

Jul 8, 2022
1 min

Testkube v1.3: Slack, ArgoCD, and more

Welcome to v.1.3 from Testkube, which features an updated UI to add Basic and Secret variables to Tests and Test Suites, ARM64 support, Slack Integration, ArgoCD integration and much more.

Jun 3, 2022
2 min

Testkube 1.2 Release—Now with a better UI

The latest release from the Testkube team features an updated UI to create and run tests easily, Slack integration, new SoapUI & Artillery executors, and more.

May 30, 2022
4 min

Load Testing in Kubernetes with k6 and Testkube

Learn how to harness the power of k6 load testing in Kubernetes with Testkube's CLI and API.

May 24, 2022
5 min

Run Kubernetes Tests with SoapUI and Testkube

Learn how to run functional tests in Kubernetes with SoapUI and Testkube.

Apr 29, 2022
6 min

End-to-end testing of your Kubernetes applications with Cypress

Manage and run end-to-end Cypress testing in Kubernetes and access Cypress recorded videos easily with Testkube!

Mar 9, 2022
7 min

Dogfooding Testkube: How to Test a Testing Framework

Learn how we utilized our own testing framework during the development of Testkube.

Feb 4, 2022
5 min

Testkube v0.8 - Better for Testers

Learn about the latests features like adding grouping of different test scripts, tests/scripts tagging, filtering tests, a local dashboard for test managers, and much more!

Dec 10, 2021
8 min

Testkube 0.7.0: Spit and polish and then some

Hear ye, hear ye, Testkube has a new release out - with something to show off.

Oct 27, 2021
1 min

Testkube 0.6.0

We're happy to announce the version 0.6.0 of Testkube - an open-source test execution framework for Kubernetes.

Aug 23, 2021
1 min

Hello Testkube—Power to Testers on Kubernetes

Hello Testkube: Power to Testers on Kubernetes