
Testkube Monthly Newsletter: March 2023

Mar 3, 2023
4 min
Alejandra Thomas
Developer Advocate
March is here! We're happy to share some of the highlights of February and announce what's next for Testkube this month.
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Mar 3, 2023
4 min
Alejandra Thomas
Developer Advocate
March is here! We're happy to share some of the highlights of February and announce what's next for Testkube this month.
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Table of Contents

Testkube v1.10 release

We're excited to share the all-new features coming next week for our v1.10 release, including support for more testing tools, improved functionalities, and user requests:

  • New executors: Playwright, ZAP, and Karate
  • New features: Parallel Test Suite runs
  • General improvements: S3 integration, Test Triggers, and User Interface
  • User requests: Improvements to Environment Variables

Think something is missing?

Revamped Documentation and Running Playwright Tests in Kubernetes

  • We're revamping our documentation! We're working hard to help you go from zero to hero in all-things testing in Kubernetes. Our new documentation site includes improved Guides, Tutorials, and an overall better experience for our users.  
  • Testing with Playwright? You asked for it, so we’re delivering. Our team and community have been focused on adding native support for Playwright testit's now a reality for our v1.10 release. Read about it in our new tutorial.

Cloud-Native Testing Resources

  • Learn to write more expressive tests in Go for your apps in Kubernetes using Ginkgo, Gomega, and Testkube. Find our Ginkgo + Testkube tutorial here.
  • If you're using Amazon Web Services as your cloud provider, our DevOps Engineer, Yuliia, has written a guide to help you deploy Testkube in EKS and expose it to the Internet with the AWS Load Balancer Controller.
  • Earlier this week, Abdallah joined Weaveworks to talk about GitOps Testing in Kubernetes with Flux and Testkube. Catch the recording here to learn more about integrating Testkube into your workflow under a GitOps approach.
  • Testkube v1.6 introduced support for Test Triggers for running application tests based on various Kubernetes events. Last week we had Dejan Pejčev, one of our Senior Software Engineers, guiding us through implementing asynchronous testing in your applications using Testkube - watch his webinar here.
GitOps Testing in Kubernetes with Flux and Testkube video thumbnail
Catch our talk at Weaveworks on GitOps Testing with Flux and Testkube

What's next? This month, we’ll be collaborating and announcing our integration with Tracetest, a testing tool based on distributed testing that enables you to test your distributed application by asserting on spans within a distributed trace. 

Make sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel to get notified on this and more upcoming webinars!


Want to stay in touch or have any questions? We are always looking for feedback.

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Alejandra Thomas
Developer Advocate
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