Functional testing tools like Selenium are essential for verifying that the different components of an application work together as intended. Integrating Selenium into a CI/CD pipeline can demand significant rework and high resource utilization, and running Selenium tests in a Kubernetes environment can be complex and resource-intensive. Running the pipeline multiple times for functional testing can quickly become inefficient and costly.
To address these challenges, we explored Testkube’s innovative Test Workflows for executing Selenium tests. Test Workflows provides a streamlined approach to defining, running, and automating tests in Kubernetes, allowing you to define your tests as code, manage test executions, and generate artifacts without disrupting your existing setup.
In this article, we will delve into how Testkube’s capabilities simplify the functional testing process with Selenium. We will explore how to set up and automate your Selenium tests within a Kubernetes environment using Testkube, overcoming the common challenges of integration and resource management.
Functional testing is the process of verifying whether the functionality of a product is built right. It involves systematically testing each feature to ensure they function correctly according to specifications. This type of testing validates input, output, and user interactions to confirm that the product behaves as expected.
With functional testing, we can ensure that tests execute without errors, including handling exceptions and HTTP 404 responses. It also involves verifying correct redirections, ensuring usability, and assessing accessibility according to specifications. For web applications, functional testing can be automated using Selenium, which tests for expected outcomes in your web applications.
Selenium is an open source project that comprises many tools and libraries for browser automation. In Selenium, we can write test scripts in different languages like Python, Ruby, Java, Perl, etc. It supports different browsers such as Firefox, Chrome, Edge, Safari, etc. Selenium allows various types of testing such as acceptance, functional, regression, performance, load, etc.
There are the main Selenium components that allow testing:
These Selenium components help create automated test scripts, cross-browser/platform testing, data-driven testing, and parallel testing with different language support across multiple browsers or operating systems. Let us understand in the coming section the working of Selenium and where these components fit.
Web browsers, despite appearing similar, operate differently beneath the surface. Selenium abstracts these differences, enabling code to execute seamlessly across browsers like Firefox, Microsoft Edge, and Chrome. This simplifies coding, allowing complex workflows to be written in just a few lines while ensuring consistent functionality across supported browsers.
To build a test suite in Selenium using WebDriver, we need to understand some of the commonly used terms:
In the execution of the Selenium test, the first step is to understand how the communication is happening between the WebDriver and the browser. Here are the two methods:
The WebDriver communicates with the browser but is unaware of the testing. It has no information on asserting a test fail or pass, or reporting an issue. This is where the frameworks help. A test framework allows the execution of WebDriver that runs the steps mentioned in the test.
The above image shows the working of a Selenium test with remote communication. Let us understand with the help of an example. Let us suppose, you have to create a Selenium test in Java. To execute this test, you will need a test framework like JUnit that will call the WebDriver which runs the test. Once the WebDriver is invoked, it communicates(remote) with the browser via the driver. Thus a Selenium test is run to verify the functionality of a browser.
Now we understand here that multiple components need to be set up in a Kubernetes native environment to perform tests. This comes with some of the challenges. Once such major challenge is scaling Selenium tests to run in parallel. Kubernetes can handle scaling, but configuring Selenium to run multiple browser instances effectively within Kubernetes can be complex. You need to figure out browser specific dependencies, ensure that Kubernetes nodes have optimum resources and that the test environment closely mimics the production environment.
Addressing these challenges requires a well-planned approach, leveraging Kubernetes features effectively, and utilizing tools like Testkube to simplify and streamline the deployment and management of Selenium tests.
Testkube offers a comprehensive solution to address the challenges of deploying Selenium tests on Kubernetes. With Testkube, teams can efficiently manage resource consumption by leveraging Kubernetes' scalable infrastructure, ensuring optimal use of CPU and memory resources. Its simplified setup process eliminates the complexities of configuring Selenium within Kubernetes, facilitating seamless communication between components while managing browser dependencies effortlessly.
As a Kubernetes-native test orchestration framework, Testkube simplifies the creation and execution of complex test workflows across various environments without the need for extensive scripting. Test Workflows provide granular control over test execution parameters, resource usage, and setup/teardown procedures. Also, Test Workflows are stored as Kubernetes Custom Resources (CRs), ensuring compatibility, scalability, and portability.
Let’s explore how to use Selenium with Testkube for functional testing in the coming section.
To follow along, you will need to set up the following:
Once the prerequisites are in place, you should have a target Kubernetes cluster ready with a Testkube agent configured.
We have written a test in Java that verifies a specific button on the website exists and is clickable. This test has been designed to check button functionality on Chrome, Firefox, and Edge. To build the dependencies and run the test, we are using Maven. You can find the Project Object Model(POM) configuration for Maven(pom.xml) and the Java Test( in this repository.
We will now create a Test Workflow in Testkube using Maven and integrate Selenium tests into it. In this first use case, we will run the test only for the Chrome browser and store corresponding artifacts to get an understanding of the process.
Here are the steps to create a test workflow from the Testkube Dashboard:
This will provide you with the three options shown above:
Before we execute the Test Workflow, let us glance at the Test Workflow and the Java test.
kind: TestWorkflow
name: selenium-single-browser-test #Name of the workflow
namespace: testkube #Namespace where TestWorkflow run
- selenium-java #git repo and path that contains Selenium Java Test
workingDir: /data/repo/selenium-java #Mount point for the repo
image: maven:3.9.6-eclipse-temurin-22-alpine #Maven image for container
image: selenium/standalone-chrome:4.21.0-20240517
path: /wd/hub/status
port: 4444
periodSeconds: 1
- name: Run Chrome Test
value: '{{ }}:4444' # get hostip from service
shell: |
mvn test #execute the test
mvn surefire-report:report #generate reports
- target/site/**/*
- target/surefire-reports/**/*
In this Test Workflow, we have used the Selenium Standalone Chrome image that allows WebDriver tests to be run remotely. The WebDriver will use the chromedriver to communicate with the Google Chrome browser. We have updated the path of the directory in the Workflow that contains the functionality test case in Java for Selenium. In the above code, we have added comments to help you understand each step.
Here is the test that we are going to run. In this test, we sent a GET request to a website, searched for the button using the text on the button, and made a click. This test will check if the click was successful and return the outcome based on that.
Maven refers to the pom.xml file and installs the dependencies such as `selenium-java` and `junit-jupiter`. We are using JUnit as the test framework and enabled `maven-surefire-report-plugin` for gathering the artifacts.
Now that we have our Selenium test, POM, and the TestWorkflow ready, let us go ahead and execute it.
Here are the steps to execute the workflow and view the artifacts:
The above image shows that the Chrome Test is running. The next step here is uploading the artifacts once the shell commands are executed successfully.
The above image shows the list of artifacts generated and stored at path `target/chrome-artifacts`.
Thus with the help of Testkube, we were able to automate the execution of Selenium Java test on a Kubernetes environment using Maven.
In this use case, we ran the test only for one browser - chrome. In the real world, for testing an application development, you would want to perform the functional test across multiple browsers to ensure your application works for the majority of users. Here you have two options, you can either run a test on each browser serially or invoke parallel testing. Let us see with the help of the following use case how parallelisation is better than serial test execution and can help improve the overall testing process.
We utilized the previous use case to create a serial Test Workflow for the test execution on multiple browsers. You can create and run this workflow as described for the basic use-case above - the execution will look as follows:
The workflow is configured to collect artifacts from each execution into a folder named after the browser:
As you can see we now have three browser instances (chrome, firefox, edge) and three corresponding test executions, one after the other. Although this works as expected, there are some points we noticed:
In the coming section, we will see with the help of a use case how we can run the same Selenium test across different browsers using parallelisation in Testkube.
With parallelisation, not only could we improve the use of infrastructure resources for test execution, but also execute more tests in the same amount of time. This would lead to earlier detection of issues and an increase in the overall efficiency of the testing process.
Let’s modify our Test Workflow to make use of two powerful Testkube features; matrix parameters and parallel execution. To achieve this, in the `TestWorkflow` we have defined `ip` and `name` of each browser `services` in `parallel.matrix.browser`. The execution of shell commands and storing of artifacts will happen in parallel for all browsers using the ‘parallel’ execution object (the full workflow is here):
- name: Run Cross-browser tests
matrix: # define matrix of browsers to test against
- ip: '{{ }}'
name: chrome
- ip: '{{ services.firefox.0.ip }}'
name: firefox
- ip: '{{ services.edge.0.ip }}'
name: edge
transfer: # make sure each parallel node has the test
- from: /data/repo/selenium-java
fetch: # retrieve generated artifacts from node
- from: /data/repo/selenium-java/target
to: /data/artifacts/{{ }}
workingDir: /data/repo/selenium-java
image: maven:3.9.6-eclipse-temurin-22-alpine
- run:
value: '{{ }}'
value: '{{ matrix.browser.ip }}:4444'
shell: |
mvn test
mvn surefire-report:report
- condition: always
workingDir: /data/artifacts
- '**/*'
Create and execute the Workflow as we have done previously:
In the above image, we can see that 3 workers are running at the same time. Testkube not only has improved the process of test execution, but also made optimal use of available computing resources here. Since these workers are independent of each other, failure of any one of them will not impact the execution of the other, providing test isolation.
On the completion of the above tests, we compared the execution times of 5 serial and parallel test executions.
While the execution of the entire serial test workflow took roughly 73 seconds in avg, the parallel execution workflow completed in 48s on average, an improvement by roughly 34%. Drilling down into the actual times spent on running tests within each workflow (excluding setup/teardown/etc), the difference was 57s on avg in parallel flows vs 30s on avg for parallel executions - an improvement of almost 50%.
Selenium is a widely used suite of tools for browser automation. Leveraging its power in Testkube without the complexities of resource management, environment configuration, and setting up dependencies, streamlines the testing process for Kubernetes applications.
In this blog post, we have seen how functional testing with Selenium could be done using Testkube. We started with setting up Testkube workflow for single browser and explored parallelisation to optimize multiple browser testing. We were able to run a Selenium test in Testkube effortlessly for single and multiple browsers and explore the benefits with parallel execution in case of multiple browsers. Testkube abstracts the complexities and allows optimized test execution in a containerized environment.
Using Testkube, you can ensure compatibility across Selenium, browser drivers, and Kubernetes versions, reducing maintenance overhead. Overall, it offers a strategic and efficient approach to deploying Selenium tests on Kubernetes, enabling teams to focus on delivering high-quality software with confidence.
We invite you to try Test Workflows. Visit Testkube website to get started. If you find yourself struggling with anything, feel free to drop a note in our active Slack community, and someone will help you out.
Testkube is a test execution and orchestration framework for Kubernetes that works with any CI/CD system and testing tool you need, empowering teams to deliver on the promise of agile, efficient, and comprehensive testing programs by leveraging all the capabilities of K8s to eliminate CI/CD bottlenecks, perfecting your testing workflow. Get started with Testkube's free trial today.
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